It is one of the things I like to do with photography: Showing the mystery of common places. Spots with no importance at all can become a bit surreal, confusing. Is it what it shows, or does the situation have another meaning.
As you can see, I’m doing this for quite some time now.
Up: Diemen (NL), Kanaaldijk, 06/09/14, 4.08 pm.
Under: Diemen (NL), Ouddiemerlaan, 11/6/15, 5.23 pm.
This is what the rays of the morning sun do with a man’s face after he didn’t sleep enough.
“Buitenkunst Randmeer”. 2011/6/12. 6.41 am.
During my photographic life I gradually found out that to me the photograph is more important than its subject. In other words the world that is represented in the photograph is the main issue, not the moment and place where the picture was taken.
I realize there is some paradox in this. I always give the viewer of this blog information about time and place of the actual picture taking.
The tension that sometimes exists between the world of the photograph and the reality of the world where and when the photograph was taken often creates a smaller or bigger surrealistic effect. I love that a lot.
Up: Brussels (B) 2011/4/24 4.57 pm
Under: New York (USA) 2011/5/13 9.50 am
Today is the 3rd Tuesday of the month. That means “Photographers Evening” time.. It is an informal gathering of photographers and people in love with photography, taking place in the typical Amsterdam pub of Kalkhoven. I’m coming there for about a decade.
Tonight is a special, a kind of reunion of those who went to New York for the exhibition of ”Dutch Delight” which took place from 11th until 15Th of May this year.
Therefore a photograph I made at Times Square New York.
New York. Times Square. 11/5/17. 0.43 pm.
This picture was made on the spot where the project of making self portraits started almost three years ago. I wanted to give the world something back after grabbing so many images from its surface.
Never thought that almost three years later, in the middle of the night, I would look like a coalminer.
Buitenkunst Randmeer (NL) 2011/6/12. 1.45 am.
Photography has the ability to make something out of nothing. A shop window can turn into a strange world, something between a fairytale and a slightly surrealistic performance.
Up: Turnhout (Belgium), 2011/6/9, 3.52 pm.
Down: Oostende (Belgium), 2011/4/11, 4.13 pm.
It’s my favorite time of year to travel by train. Summer. At the evenings the sun is casting long shadows into the compartment.
It is the eye, stupid.Train Rotterdam to Delft (NL). 2011/06/09. 9.16 pm.
It’s one of the powers of Photography: Everyday life can get a surrealistic twist, by noticing the right place and light on the subject and pushing the button at the right moment.
Up: Turnhout (Belgium) 11/6/9 2.42 pm
Down: Bruges (Belgium) 11/4/24 205 pm
Last weekend I worked at the Dutch foundation of ”Buitenkunst”, giving two photography workshops.
I stayed there the nights. Just before I went to sleep I was struck by the blue color of my LED torch. So I made a selfportrait. Photograph: Buitenkunst Randmeer. 11/6/5. 1.13 am.
Regular visitors of my blog already know it: For many years now I’m working on a series about Diemen (Diemer Plek). Diemen is the town where my family and I are currently living. It is a suburb of Amsterdam, a bit of a sleepy place to be.
Most of the pictures are made when I am shopping. Yesterday I was on my way buying a new bike.
Photographs: Sint JansKruid, Diemen. 11/6/1. 1051 (up) and 1054 (down) am.
Yesterday I processed my last picture of the trip to New York. It was one of the first I actually took. I was in Manhattan for about one hour and overwhelmed by the way the late sunlight struck down through the narrow streets of the Financial District.
Watch the person in his yellow-brown coat at the top of my shadow , it’s almost mimicry.
New York. Bowling Green. 11/5/5. 7.25 pm