vrijdag, oktober 25, 2013



Dear Jaap,

CONGRATULATIONS on being a Nominee at the 8th Annual
Black & White Spider Awards with:

Nominee in Portrait | Self portrait 159

9,456 entries were received from 75 countries and your work received a
high percentage of votes overall. Certainly an achievement, well done!

The Awards Jury represents the industry's biggest names and tastemakers
who reviewed the entries online before making the nomination shortlist
and honoring 246 title awards and 938 nominees in 14 categories. The
Awards could not have wished for a better group of professionals to
work with.

Congratulations once again on being a Nominee and we wish you a
most successful photography year.

Best regards,
Basil O'Brien
Creative Director

Self portrait 159. Diemen NL. 12/4/05 10.30 am

Go to: http://www.thespiderawards.com/gala8th/nominations.php?x=p&cid=228

donderdag, oktober 17, 2013

Vanwege Fragmentarische Aard (129) Because of a Fragmentic Nature (129)

Waiting for the last train home. Or did they miss it.
Amsterdam, 13/10/16, 0.31am
As I told before, just letters are to me miraculous signs. In itself they have no meaning, they just look odd. Amsterdam, 13/09/23, 10.25pm
Reflections and content of a shopping window. Only a photograph can combine this into one subject. Amsterdam, 13/09/28, 1.42pm

donderdag, oktober 10, 2013

Het land langs # 24 (Along the Country Side # 24)

That why I always use post processing: to emphasize and intensify the awareness of Time, Light & Space.  I was cycling around along the Dutch countryside and was struck by the intensity and the strength of Light and Color.
Up: Beemster_Zuiddijk 13/10/04 4.39 pm
Under: Zunderdorp 13/10/04 2.48 pm

vrijdag, oktober 04, 2013

Enkele Zelfportretten (Some Self Portraits)

Up: Trying to interrogate you. Tell me your Sins!!! (Dronten, 13/8/23 0.47 am)
Middle: I am my own subconsciousness. (Fyra train Rotterdam-Amsterdam13/9/4 8.37 pm)
Under: My eye as a kind of center point. “Look. Only if you look, something is happening”. That’s what my friend Jo Hameleers (www.Hameleers.com) always tells me (Photo: Bakkum, 13/9/7 0.37 pm)