zaterdag, november 23, 2013

Zelfportretten 250,255,257,260_Self-portraits 250,255,257,260

Making self-portraits, or selfies as they are often called, can suggest a search for identity. Well, here are some examples.
250 Bakkum 13/09/29 4.18 pm. SPLIT PERSONALITY!!!
255 Diemen 13/10/15 8.21 pm. LOST BOY.
257 Diemen 13/11/3 4.13 pm. NATURE LOVER. 
260 Amsterdam 13/11/4 10.00 pm. DOCTOR WHO. (Who today is celebrating his 1st fifty years)

zondag, november 17, 2013

Diemer Plek # 72 (Sites from Diemen NL # 72)

Meanwhile I can’t stop taking photographs of Diemen, the somewhat sleepy suburb of Amsterdam I live in.  There’s nothing I want to emphasize, I’m not looking for s special meaning of things in Diemen. It is not a documentary of the village either, but of course actual facts play their role. Every photograph has to have a meaning of itself. It could be called autonomous photography. The photograph has to speak for itself.
Up: Diemen (NL) 13/09/23 12.41 am
Middle: Diemen (NL) 13/11/10 4.21 pm
Under: Diemen (NL) 13/11/13 3.44 pm

zondag, november 10, 2013

Vanwege Fragmentarische Aard (130) Because of a Fragmentic Nature (130)

These photos were made during a day with glorious light.
Up: Amsterdam 13/09/28 5.12 pm
Middle: Zaandam CS 13/09/28 12.05 am
Under: Amsterdam 13/09/28 1.37 pm